Top 6 Reasons to Go Pro for Commercial Security

As President or CEO of a Bay Area business, you have invested a lot more than money in your company, so much so that you recognize the importance of protecting it with commercial security personnel. If your business is worth guarding, it is worth using a service staffed by trained professionals rather than simply hiring amateurs. Why?
When you decide to hire an in-house security guard, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. You need to ensure that they meet all the basic security guard requirements, such as proper training. This means that you are responsible for paying for the background check and any other additional costs for training that are needed or required by your state.
By hiring a reputable commercial security firm, background checks and training are all taken care of for you. You won’t have to worry about if the guard is properly trained or experienced enough. Each guard is carefully picked and given the required training that is needed. This allows your business to save money by hiring a firm versus in-house security. Additionally, there is no worry in paying for benefits, training, or background checks. It’s all included in the contract price, which is significantly less than you’d pay for an individual employee.
No two businesses are alike. An excellent security service does not post a guard and wire a camera but studies your priorities, develops an individual procedure, and continually evaluates your security needs. Security firms will work with you to create custom contracts based on your business needs, such as the number of guards required and their specific duties. If your guards aren’t performing up to your standards, you can quickly get a replacement through a simple phone call.
Speaking of continual evaluation, just as your business changes and expands, a commercial security service can adapt to any new concerns you face. Depending on the time of year, you may need additional security guards on your property compared to the slowest time of the year. With contracted commercial security, you’re able to switch things around at will based upon your business needs at the time without the hassle of firing anyone. This also includes when the guard gets sick. You will never be without the set number of guards in your contract, no matter the issue.
This is not just the age of new online, digital threats to businesses. Developing tech enables outside threats to use new tools to attack your property. Professional services ensure that your guards are continually trained, so they are sharp and more effective when encountering any intrusions or security threats.
Part of your legal responsibility means that your business is responsible for anything that happens as a result of the security guard’s actions. You’re also responsible for providing the proper insurance coverage. A security guard’s job faces a lot of danger, and you’ll need higher insurance coverage rates to protect both your business and the guard. However, hiring an outside service makes all legal ramifications no longer your responsibility. Your contract will also include any information on the insurance policy and the costs, which leaves you with one less thing to fret over.
Security needs are complex and require a fundamental knowledge of the potential hazards. Contact United Security Specialists at (408) 809-0967 or email us to arrange a risk assessment today so we can put your security needs at ease.