How To Make Your Lobby a Fortress Against Security Threats

How To Make Your Lobby a Fortress Against Security Threats

Did you know you should be spending 3% to 7% of your budget on security? If you don’t want your business and commercial property to be next you’ve come to the right spot.

Lobby security is crucial for keeping your employees and business safe. There are several different ways to protect your property. Keep reading to learn more about how to decrease security threats. 

Secure Entrances

An easy way to implement better lobby security is to secure all entrances and exits. Using electronic keys, fobs, cards, and apps can also help track who comes and goes. That data can be useful if important documents go missing or if there is a security threat. 

It may be beneficial to have employees and visitors enter at different locations. It can decrease foot traffic in the lobby and create fewer distractions for the lobby security guard or receptionist. You should so consider setting up an intercom outside so visitors can state who they are and their reason for visiting.

Lobby Layout

The layout of your lobby can help decrease security threats. If stairs or elevators are in front of the receptionist’s desk visitors may not realize they’re supposed to check in.

It can also allow someone to get through to a secure location. It’s also important that the receptionist can see the entire lobby. There shouldn’t be places for people to hide.

Setting up lobby security cameras is an easy way to watch over many locations at once. It can also deter criminals from breaking in. 

On-Site Patrol 

A receptionist may not be enough security. You may want to hire a professional guard. A security specialist will know what to look out for and can patrol the building while a receptionist may not be able to leave their desk because of visitors. 

While a receptionist has other duties besides lobby security an on-site patrol only focuses on the safety of the people and building. This can be an expensive option so keep your budget in mind. 

Train Employees

While the majority of your staff will be separated from visitors, they must have safety training. If the receptionist is out or has to step away, everyone, including management, should be able to step in and help with security watch if needed.

If they are walking through the lobby or around the building they need to know what types of behavior to report and who to report it to. It can also be crucial to train them on biases. Everyone at the company needs to look for suspicious behavior, not suspicious people.

Security Lobby Receptionist 

If you choose to have your receptionist be in charge of lobby security, be sure not to overwhelm them with other work. They won’t be able to focus on the lobby, guests, and potential security threats if they are distracted by other issues, projects, and errands. 

Lobby Security

The safety of your business and employees should be one of your top priorities. It can also be a great selling point to your clients as they will want to know their privacy is important to you.

As you can see it all starts will lobby security. Click here if you have any questions or if you’re ready to increase your security.

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