How To Properly Vet Your Security Specialist

American retail businesses lose $719,548 for every $1 billion in profits a year from theft. By hiring a security specialist, your profits can avoid becoming a part of that statistic.
However, not all security specialist options are effective. It’s possible to hire one with significant problems. In the worst-case scenario, their services may not have any effect on your losses at all.
If you want to prevent this from happening, read on. You’ll learn some tips on how to separate poor security options from great ones.
It’s important to have a security team that will listen to you. They should also speak to you about any concerns clearly and confidently. This will prevent any incidents from occurring because of a misunderstanding.
When you introduce a security professional to your facility, check their attention levels. Ask them questions and make sure they answer them correctly. If they won’t listen to you then, they won’t listen to you in the future.
If your employee passes this test, watch what they say. Do they alert you when they see something you can fix? If so, he or she is a good fit.
You don’t need to have extensive knowledge of security solutions processes. However, your security hire should know at least a large amount about this topic. If they do, this proves the security service you chose trains its workers well.
To gauge this knowledge level, ask your new hire some questions. For example, if the company has technology, ask them to explain how it works. You can also ask them about their approaches to dealing with a thief, etc.
The amount of information specialists have can vary somewhat. Some security workers will have more experience than others. However, they should at least have some knowledge, even if they’re new.
Unfortunately, a good security professional can still act in an impolite manner. They may struggle to get along with your other employees and/or be rude to customers.
No matter how great their security skills are, you shouldn’t tolerate such behavior. If you do, you can end up alienating customers and employees. As a result, you can lose business and profits from employees and customers leaving.
After your security employee starts, watch their behavior closely. Make sure that they get along well will all the individuals they encounter. If they don’t, consider disciplining them or replacing them with someone else.
You can add to this list by making some items of your own. Consider what you think makes a great security specialist and write them down. Use them alongside the items on this list to vet your security hires.
Also, if you’re looking for security specialists, consider ours. We offer our clients security personnel that are experienced, highly trained, and well-disciplined. If you want to learn more and/or need our services, contact us today.